Before I review this product, let me share with you how I learned years ago how to use Photoshop. It was not by doing tutorials, it was not by reading books or doing an expensive course with a live teacher, no it was by doing a video course, one that was about 13 hours.
Before I started with that course I still had my doubts that it would be able to teach me in only 13 hours the most important tools. However watching a video course turned out to be very effective. I finished the course in less than a week and 3 months later I actually became a moderator on one of the most popular Photoshop forums during that time. Not because I was talented, but because I had a strong foundation that helped me to answer the most common questions.
It's important that you finish a video course from beginning to end, because it allows you to see the whole picture and gives your the basic knowledge that is needed to learn how to combine multiple tools and which tool(s) to use for any specific problem. It will not teach you how to use all tools, but it will cover the most important tools.
A good video tutorial will keep you concentrated knowing how much time it will take to finish. With a book you'll never know how long it will take to reach the end, so you tend to skip pages or chapters. With a video course people have the tendency to say; "Ok, let's be tough for X hours, but when I'm finished I have a good basic understanding of Photoshop".
There is no need to hurry this course, because even when it takes you one month to finish it, in return you get many years of pleasure.
I speak from the experience of thousands of Photoshop users when Is say; "Once you're hooked on Photoshop, you're hooked on it for a life time!"
Click on any of the following links to get an idea which subjects are covered:
Content DVD1
Content DVD2
Content DVD3
The product contains additional bonus lessons on Vanishing Point and Smart Objects. It also offers 30 images from iStockphoto and your choice of one photo, illustration or font from PhotoSpin's collection.
A simple click on the Install button was enough to start the installation.
What followed was a QucikTime test, the program needed to watch the videos. The program will lead you to the proper download page if an installation or upgrade is needed.
What follows are 3 installation steps.
Note: you can skip each step if needed.
After installation it's just one click of a button to start the program and after a small video you will see the course interface. All in all I was very pleased with the simplicity of the installation and the flexible options.
The interface has menus at the top and controls and additional menus at the bottom.
I find the interface simple to use. It uses familiar icons and lessons and topics can be easily selected. The fact that you can bookmark a topic is a nice bonus. The contents button (K) can help you to plan ahead.
The fact that Total Training took the time to make a short video tutorial (available in the help) that explains the interface in more detail shows their dedication.
Everything is also very well presented and important and useful introductions appear throughout the tutorial. Deke McClelland explains in great detail how each tool works, but on top of that he also shares tricks, shortcuts and multiple ways to do the same thing. Not only is this extra information very useful, but it also keeps the presentation exciting and the viewer focused.
What's also important to me is that Deke McClelland has a pleasant voice to listen to, a voice that in my opinion also reflects Deke McClelland's excitement for Photoshop.
Also important to know is that Deke McClelland doesn't stumble a lot, doesn't use words like "uh, ok, mmm" that might get on people's nerves, speaks in a normal tempo and articulates words and sentences very clearly, which can be especially important to foreign viewers. The incidental humor, the Da Vinci joke made me really laugh, also helps to make the whole course a very relaxing experience.
These are important factors that make the listening experience very enjoyable, which is important if you have to listen to the same person for almost 21 hours.
It's very positive that project files are included on the DVD; it will get the viewer more involved in what he's studying and gives him/her more confidence.
The presented content is accurate and complete, something I honestly didn't doubt knowing Deke McClelland's extremely successful writer's career.
I'm convinced that this course can serve all beginners as a perfect foundation to expand their Photoshop knowledge. It's important when you want to learn how to use huge applications like Photoshop that you understand the basics. Basics in Photoshop are as important as the foundation of a house. A good understanding of the basics allow you to see the whole picture, the whole puzzle and how all the pieces (tools/ techniques) for together. This video course most definitely offers these important basics and often goes beyond that. Highly recommended.
Strong points:
Weak points:
Room for improvement: